Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Howl at the moon..

When we allow space,(desa),in our lives for the time, ( kala), to create an opportunity for Stillness,we begin to listen to the Silence.. We hear the true sound...AUM, a deep vibration that resonates from our Truth..an inner knowing, that arises from this sweet place of peace. Trust it!! It speaks from the heart..and begin to welcome the changes that are coming.
This weekend is an opportunity to create that intention for new beginnings..we are going to be experiencing a full lunar eclipse. This is a most auspicious opportunity to bring into alignment both the head and the heart, our female and male aspects of our nature...and to live in a new awareness of our full potential..the old will fall away if it is not serving..similar to the bark of a tree, we need to shed our skin in order to grow wider..to have a firmer foundation. The tree grows not only upward, but deeper and wider..this process only increases the vitality of it's life force. What is not serving our growth will shift and fall away..I keep speaking of letting go..we can prepare for the opportunity to renew the beauty of Life by allowing the Grace to move through..it might come by true grief. Grief is not sadness..it is a deeper sensation of release..and the intellect has no understanding.
Tears, laughter,and the deep moan of that primal Sound that arises from our gut..allows for the shedding of this gripping on our physical, mental and emotional minds. Exhale is the release which allows for more inhale breath to come in. The emotions take us by surprise..we are so busy and distracted that we seldom feel our the true experience of our day to day lives..it is in this Silence, that the expression of tears or laughter are finally released. Especially welcome the beautiful and loving tears..for they are not whining and fearful tears..they are joyous and passionate expressions of the soul connecting to your true nature..this is how we can thrive and dance in life..preparation is meeting opportunity..and this beginning is NOW..Dance and howl at the moon!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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