Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sharing some personal moments

I have struggled for weeks since returning home asking myself if or should I share some of the insights and revelations of my trip. I always say.." do what is presented "..after listening deeply I heard.. Funny how then, I am given the answer when someone comes up to me..and asks, " are you going to talk about your trip? I would love to hear about it". I often hold Yoga Among Friends as a group job is to clear the space for others to do workshops and events..when bringing attention to a strange way, I feel too visible, too much about my small self and awkward in making it about me. Is this truly for the good of something bigger? I never want to make the center," the Laura Mellencamp method,". I always ask to be the messenger,not the object of the attention. Very difficult in a world attached so much to form and ego, and hard to do when you have a large personality. I question why I stay in this role of yoga teacher, since the world has way too many great teachers and everyone has a this where I am supposed to me?
So after, getting out of my face, I felt the pulse of letting the story take it's own direction,and it has become a way to let you into my heart even more. I went to my dear friend and brilliant artist helping me to create a vehicle in which to begin sharing the qualities of the experiences. I wanted a way to present an understanding, that my story is only about what was awaken in my senses..not externally but internally..the brilliance of being absorbed in sensation and consciousness as it awaken deeper in me..this is only sharing my experiences, but hopefully to inspire your deeper commitment to live in the subtle beauty of life. Brilliance arises from the willingness to experience the internal senses and then live with them as expressions of your authentic Self. I am free falling into love.
So if you have some empty space and time in your busy day...perhaps you can share with me..I will be at Yoga Among Friends on Sunday afternoon and look forward to seeing what magic awaits..perhaps we can laugh together..and do what I love to do best, HOST a happening!!

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