Thursday, July 7, 2011

Coming home

This is my last entry on the blog..the journey now is coming back home and being able to process all the amazing gifts I have received. India is random chaos. There are extreme obstacles and challenges in living day to day and yet, at the same time, there is a grace in the acceptance that things just don't always go according to the "plan". To be able to go with the flow,as they say. Each day, one never know when the power would suddenly be shut off; no air- conditioning,no lights, no inter-net, every bit of energy would simple be un-plugged! I am still amazed at the wonderful acceptance that this is just the norm.. No one seemed to be was just how things are..knowing that in it's own time, the power would come back..but no one ever seemed to know when!!
To embrace the acceptance of what is being presented in the moment is the key to living in India..this allows for grace to move through. The frustration of the mind comes when expectation is the norm..we in the West have very little tolerance, patience, or forgiveness for anything that causes an inconvenience of our time..We become inflexible and filled with an inner tension when life doesn't go according to our small agendas..I came to India and never planned to fall in love,but this sweet chaotic place has humbled me. I just know the more I can accept that I just live in right action, and surrender the attachment to the will all just work out..there is always power; we just need to relax. So in this land of extremes, I have found some inner balance. I hope that I can hold on to these precious reminders. When life offers moments of random chaos, confusion and fear.. I can trust, the Power will be turned back on..
I am forever grateful for the gifts that have been given from this amazing journey..I know it is only just BEGUN..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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