came in with her three children ..I saw these sweet girls that were a little younger than Colby. I instantly was taken back home and felt this deep pang of emotions..memory to the senses..seeing this mother brings the desire to the moment as i felt this longing to be home. I was brought into the consultation where I realized the little girl of nine was coming in to get a practice..her mother had heard about the KYM from her family living here..yes, her family lives in Chennai , but I quickly found out the family now lives in Naperville!! They are here visiting and returning to the States next week. Did I sense a bond instinctively and know at some level they were linked to me?? The mother had never known about Yoga Among Friends, but was thrilled to know we are so close..yes, the world is very small and the beauty of yoga is that it connects us everywhere. The essence of mother is everywhere in "MA INDIA..and the respect of the mother is so apparent in all the relations. But the stresses are the same as well!!
Tonight , I then went to an IT corporation in the city and experienced what a group class look like in I know what it looks like when you call IT service and you end up talking to India,,I was there trying to help the tired and overworked employees. Now i can first hand see where all our outsource jobs are being sent..They so need the yoga and how fun to see it coming back into the Indian took the West to bring it back home to the East. And to create their pace of life.

Life of extremes is India..random chaos mingles with the firm foundation of a Spiritual heritage that has taken me to a humble place of acceptance is always one big surprise if we just get out of our own mind and live in the moment..
The other great moment happened yesterday when I went to the most incredible book store. Never I have I seen, nor been surrounded by so many brilliant minds..I love books!! I just have to figure out how to get them home..but I realized they didn't take credit cards, wow, another business that does not use credit!! Anyway, I didn't have enough cash, and yet, they told me to take all the books and come back in a few days with the money. Never could I have done that in the States! I wonder when I world lost trust?? I so appreciate that there was such an honoring for me to be trustworthy!! I was given the gift of receiving someone's trust and it felt beautiful..I want to keep extending that same gift to others..what a small and sweet world it can be when we let live in..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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