Monday, July 16, 2012

Journey to The homeland of Ayurvedic healing

A wonderful weekend spent on an adventure to Konchi and staying at the healing center..Saaram. Amy and I flew with Petra,(our fellow internist from Belgium). Petra knew of this wonderful place since the owner is from France and her students had gone. She was joining her husband and three year old son who were staying there while she is working at the KYM. The Europeans are fearless in traveling with children!! I could not miss the opportunity to travel to Kerala and experience the authentic wisdom of these ancient healing tools..yes, yoga and ayurveda are over 7 thousand years old and yet the profound properties of healing the entire system of the mind and body are more relevant today than ever. How to balance life and stay healthy takes more than Western medicine can provide..the nourishing aspects of these tools for vital life are essential in today's hectic and over stimulating world..but then all yoga students know this!
So I went to Un-Plug!! And what a grand detox we had..I never left the room!! With a complete program of just being STILL..I am back and feeling so blessed to have given myself this special time to be nourished with what can only be called..God's Grace of Life..
The treatments were amazing and for this whirling energy ball it was a time to just soak in the richness of these special oils and be balanced in my doshas..this vata personality is really a deeper pita light and to feel the joy of my true nature was bliss. Yes, if the truth be known..I really love Solitude!!!
We all flew back to Chennai last night and this morning I awoke knowing that I will one day share this magical healing home with my students..I left a new family that I so want others to experience.. So setting that intention..I will just let it unfold and enjoy this is good. Please just take this moment and exhale and feel how sweet the pause can be..the mind is only outside the body..bring it inside and fill the vessel with this Light I now send to everyone..loving is the scent of the inhale, exhale is the sharing of that love.

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A sweet reminder to just sit on the porch and matter how far we go away..home is coming to that place in my heart where I feel the Divine connection..we are all ONE.


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