I had a rough last week, so much overload of brain information and constant focusing of my energy. I live in a boarding house that is next door to the fancy fruit market(previous blog). All night long, I am awaken by the crashing of fruit crates against my outside wall..no space between buildings..some of the workers sleep on the metal roofs below my window and the other night,I just realized they were throwing coconuts at the wall to open them!! Crashing coconuts can be quite alarming at 4:00am!!! Needless to say, my sleep is disturbed!! With that, the power has gone off for two nights in a row, and to be in this heat,without air..is #%#^#%!,, the mosquitos are fierce and without warning of any sound, they attack!! Get the picture..add some stomach problems,pollution,and missing family and as one can only imagine, I am cooked. So today, I am saying goodby with mixed emotions and looking forward to the sweet life home. I had to practice sutra 2-33, "vitarka badhane pratipaksa bhavanam". I would constantly observe from a understanding that India has its beauty and charm when I stopped needing it to what is my familiar..and witness the life through their eyes..knowing that for many they never have air-conditioning, they sleep in a metal house the size of my bathroom with perhaps three children..I would stop complaining and feel instead the compassion that we only see life from our learned memories..our habits, our senses..so I would just go into this place of acceptance and surrender into the moment and somehow feel peaceful. I will remember those gifted times to practice my yoga..it was my own personal" sweat lodge or walking on coals"!! Except, I will come home without burns.. I know it is just a switch of attitude..
My other greatest moments were being taken by to the various Temples. Ami left earlier this week, but prior to her departure,we had the opportunity to visit and be blessed at the Temple of SaiBaba

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I was also graced to go back to the Temple of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi, and share it with my dear friend and fellow teacher at the KYM, Gayatri. She gave me a copy of "The Bhagavad Gita" as a going away present..I felt receiving this special gift and sharing the day with her was a day that will always be held as sacred..she is the most loving being and I will miss her smile.

The stairway up..to continue moving forward and to know that as I return, the process of assimilation and digestion will take its slow pace...and I know the residue of lingering memory will remain..I will have owned the experience and I hope to teach from this place in my heart..to convey only the love of these beautiful ancient teachings that are shared universally from the heart!! To honor the great souls that have walked before and see through their eyes the possibility for freedom from the mind's suffering..ahh..but to come home is so sweet. I am ready!!
Loved seeing your adventure in pics. Safe travels and congratulations on a truly meaningful accomplishment that will benefit many