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Location:Local farmers market
Join Laura Jane Mellencamp, founder and director of Yoga Among Friends (YAF), as her yoga journey takes her to India in July 2012. YAF, established in 1998 and located in Downers Grove, IL, is an open-minded, open-hearted yoga center that provides students a safe environment to explore and grow. YAF offers yoga classes for all, local- and master- teacher led workshops, and yoga therapy/wellness services. Laura has over 20 years of yoga teaching experience and is a practicing yoga therapist.
Location:Local farmers market
It's Monday morning here and there is a beautiful rain happening. It is one of those rains that remind me of Brookfield Zoo in the building where the apes live. Occasional thunder in the background with the rain providing that soothing rushing sound. I opened the windows this morning and did my yoga with the rain. You are much farther ahead in your day and I hope your day has been with joy, moments of surprise and surrender, and times of reflection. Miss you!~ Deborah